eCampusWeb LMS

The eCampusWeb LMS is a hosted Learning Management System that is completely integrated with ABHE-Solutions.

ABHE-Solutions Integrated

Courses, instructors, & student enrollments are automatically copied into the LMS. Also, final grades and attendance records can be copied back into ABHE-Solutions from the LMS.

Easy to Use

An intuitive interface allows allows you to create and manage courses quickly and efficiently.

Advanced Learning Evaluation

An online grading tool allows you to view and grade submissions online. Create custom rubrics and track learning outcomes.

Reach & Engage Students

The eCampusWeb LMS utilizes a multi-channel communication system to ensure your students and faculty can communicate easily and effectively.

Messages + Comments + Announcements + Notifications can be accessed online, sent to email, Facebook, SMS, etc.

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Sample Screen Shots